New enhancement ========================================================================== Feature Flag "-HelixEvaluate" to obtain additional information that can be used to help plan TSOM/BPPM to BHOM migration. Steps to execute the tool for BPPM ========================================================================== 1) On the BPPM server, open a command prompt and navigate to %BPPM_SERVER_HOME%/utility/TrueSightHealthCheck 2) Execute the following to set environment variables: Linux: export SKIP_WEB_SERVICES=YES export CLASSPATH=.:$BPPM_SERVER_HOME/pw/apps3rdparty/commons-lang-2.6.jar Windows: set SKIP_WEB_SERVICES=YES set CLASSPATH=".;%BPPM_SERVER_HOME%\pw\apps3rdparty\commons-lang-2.6.jar" 3) As the user that BPPM was installed with, execute the following: TrueSightHealthCheck.bat -HelixEvaluate Or sh -HelixEvaluate Steps to execute the tool for TSOM ========================================================================== 1) On the TSPS server, open a command prompt and navigate to %TRUESIGHTPSERVER_HOME%/utility/TrueSightHealthCheck 2) As the user that TSPS was installed with, execute the following: TrueSightHealthCheck.bat -HelixEvaluate Or sh -HelixEvaluate You will be asked to enter the Tenant ID: Enter tenant for TSPS * Enter user ID for TSPS XXXXXX Enter password for TSPS: (This is not displayed) XXXXXXX Details Reports Available ========================================================================== A new folder called \reports\migration is created and contains the following: ========================================================================== CMDB_BSR_IntegrationsAllTenants.html Contains : CMDB, BSR integration information ========================================================================== ComponentRegistered.html List of all component registered on TSPS ========================================================================== IntegrationServerData.html List of all ISN Servers ========================================================================== KMVersionUsedInPolicies.html It uses output from the and makes list of KM version used in policies ========================================================================== PatrolAgentRegistered.html List of PATROL Agents connected to TSOM and list of policies applied on them ========================================================================== RegisteredCellsOnTSPS.html Uses the mcell.dir on truesightpserver/conf directory and fetches the cell information. It also gives the count of CI, Business Services, etc ========================================================================== RegisteredCellsOnTSPSEventRate.html Obtains relating to the event rate/performance ( same as mgetinfo) =========================================================================== RegisteredCellsOnTSPSRecursive.html Fetches information of remote cells registered on each of the TSIM cell Validates also if IIWS is being utilized in the Event Management lifecycle also has the IIWS integration information ========================================================================== RemoteDeviceList.html Lists the information of remote devices connected and their moinst ID ========================================================================== solutionData.html Contains a list of the KM stored in the Repository to include version details ========================================================================== UDDI_SSO_IntegrationsCommonBetweenTenants.html Checks BMC integrations being used ========================================================================== UserInfo.html It fetches the list of users who actively log in to the system. It gives idea of the user login rate ========================================================================== KMVersionUsedInPolicies.html It uses output from the and makes list of KM version used in policies ========================================================================== PatrolAgentWithoutPolicyApplied.html List of Agents collecting in TSPS which does not have policy applied. ========================================================================== PATROLAgentDetailsPATROLAgentDetails.html Before upgrading to BHOM/AIOps please also upgrade all your PATROL Agents to version or higher if not planned earlier. This HTML shows the list of agents with its version