New enhancement ========================================================================== Feature Flag "-IncidentAnalyze" to consolidate the logs according to date time. Steps to execute the tool ========================================================================== 1) To run this tool on TSIM, TSPS installed environment, run the command: TrueSightHealthCheck.bat -IncidentAnalyze 2) Customizations that can be made in the properties file: 2a) We can mention the start and end date&time in '' file. If it is not mentioned, then it will ask to enter start and end date time while running the utility. The date and time format should be YYYY/MM/dd HH:mm:ss For Ex: healthcheckTool.startDate=2022/07/10 00:00:00 healthcheckTool.endDate=2022/07/13 23:00:00 2b) In order to customize the folder path, update 'healthcheckTool.folderPath' property in file. Multiple folder paths can be mentioned as comma (,) separated. This is needed when you are copying the logs to another location and executing the tool. When you execute the tool on TSIM or TSPS, you do not have to set this PATH. For Ex on Windows: healthcheckTool.folderPaths=C:\Downloads\pwdump\pwlogs,C:\Downloads\pwlogs\mcell_logs on Linux : healthcheckTool.folderPaths=/root/documents/pwdump/pwlogs,/root/documents/pwdump/mcell_logs 3) Once we run the above commands, this will create all logs which are scanned under \logs\loganalyzer folder. 4) Run the HealthCheckTool also without argument. And send BMC the zip of \logs and \reports folder Note: 1. The log utility will scan the TSIM/TSPS logs directories by default based on the product installed if the folder path is not provided as in point 2b. 2. LogAnalyzer folder will be cleaned every time the utility is run. 3. The date and time should be given in same time zone as the machine on which TSPS/TSIM is installed.